Weather Monitoring
Monitoring Software
Cloud based Software is connected with open weather to capture data related to weather conditions of particular location. Weather monitoring software stores historical data of city and data will helpful for further analysis. Weather data includes city temperature, city wind speed, cloud details, humidity, pressure, Sunrise time and Sunset time. Weather data is updated and stored into software database every specific interval. Once interval is defined it automatically updates weather data.
Android Client
With android based software installed on smart phone can submit pictures and photographs along with longitude and latitude to control room software. Meaning if any of the Field staff carrying android application can submit pictures, remarks and related data to cloud based software. Control room staff can monitor multiple locations and can view submitted pictures sitting from control room console all together.
Dashboards known as universally accepted decision making tool. Stunning dashboards provided real time data available for any particular day. Chart helps temperature vs timeline and to evaluate details at specific time period.
Email Notifications
Software is integrated with email notifications. Email notifications will help control room staff to send multiple emails as a notifications with single mouse click.
Locate Android Client
Software has feature to locate Filed executive with longitude and latitude details available with database. Field person roaming in any location is easily tracable and control room people can inform him to submit images and data on real time basis based on his geographical locations.